Arizona Commerce Authority Awards FAST Grant to Higher Wire Inc.
June 1, 2023 -
The Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) has selected Higher Wire Inc. as the recipient of one of its 2023 FAST Grants, one of only six Arizona companies to be selected among a competitive field of applicants.
"We are proud to be awarded a FAST Grant, which will greatly help us acquire vital resources for our Small Business Innovation Research applications. We're also excited to strengthen our partnership with the ACA," said Trevor Warren, Higher Wire's founder and CEO.
The Small Business Administration’s Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program is designed to support programs that advance innovative, technology-driven small businesses. The Arizona Commerce Authority has partnered with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to facilitate the FAST program in Arizona.
Arizona’s FAST program provides funds, resources, training, and network opportunities to help entrepreneurs succeed in their SBIR proposal. The program gives startups more competitive bids for federally-funded innovation and research and development programs.
For more information, see the ACA's FAST Grant page at this link.